Indian Banks Report Highest Ever Profitability Due To Minimal Non Performing Assets And Increasing Credit Expansion

Indian banks' profitability soars with low NPAs, strong credit growth, and improved capital health. Challenges with digital fraud persist.
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Indian public sector banks report a 25% profit surge in H1 2024-25, driven by low NPAs, strong credit growth, and robust capital health.

The rise in earnings of Indian public sector banks (PSBs) is impressive and maybe unparalleled in the history of modern banking in India. This higher profitability can be attributed to an increased proportion of performing assets, an increase in credit demand and the CARR standing significantly above the mandatory level. The accompanying profits coupled with the high rate growth posted in H1 of the financial year 20225 most of the time elucidates every single aspect of the situation. It is indeed true that the member company’s transaction volume and profit levels in 2021 and 2022 can be attested by the remarkable growth of at least 25% with an annualized return on investment of up to 98%. In addition to h1 psbs forecast the growth in profits at the end 25 increase by more than 1.5 trillion. 

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The financial year 2023-2024 was, in many ways, a challenging year for PSBs due to huge losses; however, they could still manage to achieve the remarkable net profit of 141 billion rupees, which is the highest ever recorded. This outstanding performance was due to:

1. A Positive Change in Asset Quality: 

GNPAs saw a drastic improvement from 14.58 percent as at March 2018 to 3.12 percent as at September 2024.

A major factor affecting the achievement of such results was the proper execution of the IBC and related policies that influenced the performance of the stressed assets aggregate negative level.

2. Healthy Capital Ratios:

In other words, the capital adequacy ratio substantially improved beyond the required levels in other words the capital markets ensured themselves.

3. Increased Returns:

During the period of time in relation to non performing assets cost of performing assets has gone up and improved performance while management financial and operational strategies have worked out well on efficient bases.

Enhanced Capital Health and Resilience

The ratio of the PSB s risk weighted assets as per the crar pencils down to 15.43 % as at September 2024. This percentage is much higher than the minimum of 11.5 % benchmarked by the Reserve bank of India. This is viewed as a big achievement as it is going to enhance financial stability of the banking sector and allow banks to further grow the economy.

Also the enforcement of the strategy called the 4Rs- Recognition Recapitalization Resolution and Reform, which was started in the year 2015, has come as an absolute transformation in consolidating the sector.

In turn the RBI has responded by:

improving systems for keeping an eye on transactions.
Such as working with the police to reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

Testing out AI driven applications such as MuleHunter.AITM, to identify, and stop theft.

Future Outlook

The future of the Indian public banking system looks sanguine with growth likely to continue. This will be backed by strong fundamentals as well as effective regulation. However, the such attributes strengthening the banks will have to be able to withstand issues like the growth of digital fraud to be able to sustain trust in a digital future.


1. What factors are driving the profitability of Indian public sector banks?

The main determining factors are low NPAs of the bank, high credit growth, and good capital adequacy ratios.

2. What steps are banks taking to combat digital fraud?

Together with the Reserve Bank of India, banks are strengthening and improving monitoring systems and testing fraud detection systems with the use of artificial intelligence, such as MuleHunter.AITM.

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